
Business Professional Application

To participate, sign up below!

For the Teach-A-Thon, we recruit business professionals, culinary professionals and community leaders to teach in person in a classroom.  However, it’s not career day. Instead, 每个志愿者都在教授课程的同时,每一步都得到支持,并获得对公共教育的洞察力.

Learn more about how it works here! 

2024-25 Teach-A-Thon Timeline: 

  • Through September 24: Sign up to participate. 
  • Mid-September: You will receive an email with your teacher’s contact information.
  • September - January: Coordinate with your teacher, teach your lesson, and fundraise. 
Application for Business Professionals - Your Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Did you graduate from a Miami-Dade County Public School?
(If yes, please let us know which one(s).
Program Information
Grade level preference: (1st choice)
Grade level preference: (2nd choice)

Subject Preference 

Please select your FIRST subject choice:
Tell us the area you would prefer the school you teach at be located:
How did you hear about the Teach-A-Thon?
  1. I will dedicate 2-4 (or more if you choose) hours of volunteer work (Sep. through Jan.), including the teaching session.

  2. a. 我会打电话或发邮件给我指定的老师,以商定我要教的课程和教学日期/时间.

  3. b. I know the Kick-Off Event (September 24, 2024) is optional but strongly encouraged; I will try to attend.

  4. c. 我将花一个小时的时间在我指定的老师的指导下给学生上课.

  5. d. I will help The Education Fund champion the teaching profession, 包括告诉尽可能多的人我学到了什么,筹集资金支持教室(筹集的金额由我决定——这是我的目标)!).
Fundraising Goal
We would like to get a sense of what your fundraising goal might be. Please choose from the following, knowing you can change your goal.
We hope you will share what you learn about public education and The Education Fund. We will be happy to create a message for you!
I hope to share the message with the following number of people:
Do you have a colleague or business associate who you think would participate?
Do you have a colleague or business associate who you think would participate?
If so, please provide their name:
First Name
Last Name
Cell Number


Please contact:
Marilen Marnett